All things Colour

Sarah Råholm (1988) is a textile artist and painter based in Fiskars.

She is strongly inspired by nature, folklore and mythology.



Are you interested in learning how to make something out of an organic and natural material? Everyone can paint with wool and no prior knowledge is necessary to learn this technique.


  • Introduction to needlefelting

  • We study wool of different qualities and you will get a wider view on the possibilities on how to work with wool

  • Planning and making of a product by painting and felting with wool

Course fee is 40 euro/person and there are 5 available spots. The course fee includes needles as well as wool and materials to make a product. There will also be some snacks, coffee and tea available free of charge.

The course will be held in Finnish, English, Swedish or a mixture depending on the group. The course will be held in my studio in Fiskars Village, Peltorivi 9 M 3, 10470 Fiskars.


Saturday 5.4 at 14.30 - 17.30

Sunday 6.4 at 14.30 - 17.30

Sunday 13.4 at 14.30 - 17.30

Sunday 4.5 at 14.30 - 17.30

Sunday 25.5 at 14.30 - 17.30

Sign up to a course by filling out the form below, please mention the date you wish to participate in the message box. Hope to see you soon!


You are warmly welcome to follow my journey.


This installation is made out of woven and felted wool pieces, where all the wool and yarn are dyed with natural pigments - plants, flowers and mushrooms. Natural dyeing is a cultural heritage, part of Finnish tradition and craft culture, but using these ancient practices is also my way of providing a cultural perspective on our planet’s mass extinction and crisis. Natural dyes are non-toxic dyes and more environmentally friendly. Natural dyes are more than just handicraft, it’s a beautiful way to get to know plants and mushrooms. It’s a way to learn their properties, where they grow and their ecology. We already have different alternative techniques for a more ecological and self-sufficient way of living, where we could harvest resources without disturbing delicate ecosystems. There is still hope. 

I’m strongly inspired by mythology, folklore and nature. I’ve written my master’s thesis on storytelling and through my work as a weaver I’ve felt very involved with the threads of life and how we all are interwoven and entangled. I see myths as untrue stories that deliver truths. Stories can also work as mythological acupuncture; they pinch us right where we need them.

Today we live a life where most people do not even consider themselves as part of nature. We have lost our connection not only to others and our surroundings, but to ourselves. My attempt is to awaken curiosity from within. In past societies the philosophers of the day would sometimes live as old sages in caves, and people would journey to them for guidance. They were also known as people who work with dreams.

The work for this exhibit was partially supported by Suomen Kulttuurirahasto ja Svenska kulturfonden

Vuoden laskiaispulla on vain silmänruokaa ja leivotaan villalla ja neulalla

Tekstiilitaiteilija Sarah Råholmin mielestä on helpompaa maalata villalla kuin maaleilla. Hän kertoo vinkkinsä siitä, miten luoda hurmaavia kuva-aiheita pienellä määrällä villaa.

Ohjelma on nähtävänä Yle Areenassa

Yle Areena, Strömsö, kausi 11, jakso 3: Tee taidetta villalla ja neulalla, Yle 15.2.2025

Kuva: Carina Ahlskog / Yle

Workshop at Chappe

Sign up HERE

UKJ - 40-årsjubileumsutställning vid Gumbostrand Konst & Form

Nylands bildkonstföreningar består av cirka 2200 konstnärer via 15 medlemsorganisationer, och av dessa har cirka 50 konstnärer valts ut till utställningen baserat på ansökan. Temat var fritt, men professionalitet, positivitet och äkthet var något som sökande skulle ha i åtanke när de skickade in sina verk till ansökningsprocessen. Utställningen lovar färg och glädje i vintermörkret samt en bra översikt över vad som skapas i konstnärernas ateljéer just nu.

Medverkande konstnärer: Tuula Aalto, Johanna Ekola, Pauliina Halla, Heidi Halonen, Eeva Halme, Mirja Havukainen, Kati Helin, Åsa Hellman, Rauni Hulke, Sanna Johansson, Lea Karvala, Jukka Klemetti, Leena Knuuttila, Maarit Korhonen, Marke Laaksonen, Leena Laukkanen, Jaana Laurila, Maria Lehtivaara, Anne Leppänen, Anne Lumme, Anne Malin, Liisa Malmio, Marja-Leena Muukka, Heli Mäkitalo, Tarja Nyman, Aulikki Nukala, Säde Numminen, Mari Nurminen, Sinikka Paanila, Nina Pauloff, Anni Peltola, Elise Perttula, Lilli Putti, Eeva Raitio, Helena Rajalinna, Sarah Råholm, Marja Rosenberg, Pauliina Ruokokoski, Marja-Liisa Räsänen, Tapani Salminen, Jaana Sarpaniemi, Susanna Sinivirta, Lotta Sirén, Tiina Tainio, Maria Törnwall, Markku Uitto, Helena Valtonen, Nina Wallenstjerna-Heiskanen, Nastaran Nasir Zadeh.

Tiikerin keidas, 2022, 51x100 cm, nåltovad ull

Strömsö: Färga garn med svamp och bli överraskad – kanelspindlingen bestämmer om det blir tegelrött eller plommonlila

Strömsös programledare Elin Skagersten-Ström lär sig att färga garn av konstnären Sarah Råholm. Bild: Marika Lytts-Råholm / Yle